miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2019


In the last post I was talking about the problems that you can have in this sport. But today I will explain the best things about windsurf.

The most important thing are the feelings that you can have. The speed that you get plus the wind and all the things give you a indescriptible sensation. When you are in the sea you can’t think about your problems. You don’t think about homework and any problem. You are just concentrated on the sport.

The most obvious thing is that it’s really healthy! In this sport you will work a lot of muscles. If you practice it in heavy conditions you can get stronger because you have to do a lot of effort.

In my opinion I recommend to practice windsurf. You will have a lot of fun. You will disconnect of the routine. And you will meet a lot of people that have the same hobby as you.


I have been practicing windsurf for many years. I love this sport. It can transmit some incredible feelings and is one of the funniest sports that I have ever tried. But in this years I can saw so many problems that you can have.

In the first place, it’s really difficult to learn. This process it’s long and boring. You can get frustrated easily. In a lot of moments, you will think that you aren’t progressing and get bored with it.

Another typical problem is the price of everything that involves windsurfing. If you want to rent the board and sail you have to pay. If you want to do some classes you have to pay. If you want to buy some boards you have to pay. You have to pay for anything!

When you are more professional you will have to buy some boards. They are expensive, but the biggest problem is that they are so big. To store the equipment you need a big garage. The biggest problem is how to transport it.


In this post, I will talk about one of the pioneers of windsurfing. This man is a legend because he expanded windsurf around the world and make possible to follow progressing the technologies and everything. 
His name is Robby Naish. He's actually 56 years and one of the best windsurfers of the actuality and all time. Imagine that the best football player is 56 years old! Is incredible how with this age he won the last PWA ( windsurf championship). 

The windsurf has evolved because Robby has a big windsurf brand that invested a lot of money and resources in new designs.

In my opinion Robby Naish is the best windsurfer that ever existed. He will be always known as the fader of windsurf and he always will be remembered.

sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2019


I think that practice sport always in the same place is not the best option. We have a lot of places to discover and learn new things. I have always ride in the same place, Port de la Selva. I really love it, but I started to change and try new places.
The best place that I have been sailing was in Gran Canary. The wind was really strong and the waves very big. Here, I went to do a windsurfing course. I learned a lot and the most important thing is that I enjoyed it a lot.

Another place that I have been sailing was in Sardeña. In my opinion it wasn't the best spot that i tryed. The wind was enough strong but the waves were really chaotic. They were really messy and it was difficult to sail.

In the last years, I have been traveling a lot and sailing in new places. If you follow my blog I will tell my experiences and a lot of things. 


The technology is progressing every day. We can see it reflected in our daily lives. For example in our cars, in the building, on computers and a lot of thinks. But we can see the evolution of new technologies in sports.
A lot of investigations and tests have given place to the foil. This is a new invention that makes you fly! Yes, it's difficult to believe. The foil is an object that is very tall and has de perfect aerodynamic to make you fly.

At the beginning the idea wasn't really accepted by the other people. That's because it's really difficult to believe in the veracity of this product because of the price. It can cost like 1.000euros. Actually, the foil is getting more popular and cheaper. 
In my opinion, is really good to see new ideas and how the technology is evolving and giving thinks
like that.

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2019


In the other posts of my blog I spooked about why I like windsurf, my beginnings in this sport, but I haven't talked about where I usually sail. If you want to discover it just follow reading!

Image result for windsurf port de la selva

 The first place that I want to speak about is Port de la Selva. In this place is where I started sailing a few years ago and that’s why I love it so much. I can say that it's my home-spot. The wind is usually strong and waves are big but Port de la Selva is a really safe spot. If you have any problem the wind and waves will return you automatically to the beach. This place is very special because its very beautiful. The mountains are next to the sea and this creates a really impressive contrast.

The second place is Roses. I usually sail in Roses because it's really close to Port de la Selva and depending of the kinf of wind it's better to go to one place or the other. 
Image result for windsurf roses
Roses is really special for me because is where I started to improve my level and meet new friends. The wind is usually light and is better on summer. A problem for this spot is that on summer there a lot of boats and people in the water and sometimes it can be dangerous for you and for the others.

In the last year I started to travel with my phader around Catalonia to try new spots and have new experiences.

Image result for windsurf el prat

The last spot that I tried is El Prat. This is located in Barcelona next to the airport. In this place we will find really big waves and strong winds. In my opinion is a bit dangerous for the strong currents that will take you really far of the beach. I have to say that it's one of the best wave spots and if you want to start surfing I will recommend to try it.

There are a lot of more god spots to sail but I can't talk about all of it. I you follow my blog I will talk about more windsurf spots in my following posts!

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2019


Today I will tell you why I wanted to practice windsurf and not another sport.

I remember when I was a child that my dad was starting to practice a new sport for him called windsurf. I wasn't to much interested in know more things about it because my favourite sport in t was football. I used to play football every week with the school team. I remember that one weekend that we went to the beach my dad gave me a windsurf course for my birthday. This was my firs contact with windsurf. I have to say that I don't liked it at all. It was very difficult for me and I wasn't too much motivated. I tried it a few more times and finally I started to enjoy it.

Image result for windsurf lessons
 Be a beginner in this sport it's not easy because you need to do a lot of classes with a instructor and it can take a long time to appreciate progress in your skills. I didn't give up and I followed doing more windsurf lessons.

My level was improving fine and I started to like this sport. I think that the key moment was when I started to make friends because we had the same hobby: windsurf. At this point I was totally involved in this world. During the week I was specting for the weekend to go to the beach to practice windsurf with my friends and my dad.
Finally I decided to leave the football team to have all the time to practice windsurf.

Image result for windsuRFNow windsurf isn't only a sport for me. It's an important part of my life that helps me do disconnect about my routine. If you have the opportunity I recommend to try it!


Wellcome to my blog! My name is Nil and I'm sixteen years old. I like all kind of sports but there’s one that I love more than the other ones. This sport is windsurf and that's my motivation to write this blog. I will talk about this sport in general but specially about how it has evolved in the past and how it’s evolving now.
Image result for pwa logo

Another important thing that I will talk on this blog is the  news. I will tell to people that read this blog all kind of  things. For example new technologies, news about  windsurf championship and everything that can help  people to know more things about it.

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I have a lot of things to tell about windsurfing and his history but I think that it's important to speak about the sensations that it can transmit and how can affect to my live.

My objective is to share my hobby at people because it’s a minority sport and not much people know things about it. Enjoy it!

Image result for windsurf 2019