sábado, 30 de noviembre de 2019


I think that practice sport always in the same place is not the best option. We have a lot of places to discover and learn new things. I have always ride in the same place, Port de la Selva. I really love it, but I started to change and try new places.
The best place that I have been sailing was in Gran Canary. The wind was really strong and the waves very big. Here, I went to do a windsurfing course. I learned a lot and the most important thing is that I enjoyed it a lot.

Another place that I have been sailing was in Sardeña. In my opinion it wasn't the best spot that i tryed. The wind was enough strong but the waves were really chaotic. They were really messy and it was difficult to sail.

In the last years, I have been traveling a lot and sailing in new places. If you follow my blog I will tell my experiences and a lot of things. 


The technology is progressing every day. We can see it reflected in our daily lives. For example in our cars, in the building, on computers and a lot of thinks. But we can see the evolution of new technologies in sports.
A lot of investigations and tests have given place to the foil. This is a new invention that makes you fly! Yes, it's difficult to believe. The foil is an object that is very tall and has de perfect aerodynamic to make you fly.

At the beginning the idea wasn't really accepted by the other people. That's because it's really difficult to believe in the veracity of this product because of the price. It can cost like 1.000euros. Actually, the foil is getting more popular and cheaper. 
In my opinion, is really good to see new ideas and how the technology is evolving and giving thinks
like that.