viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020


You can practice windsurfing every month of the year. People that are learning use to sail only in hot seasons because is more comfortable. But there's a lot of people that sail every month of the year. In this entry, I will give you some advice that will help you to decide the best season to practice this sport.

Image result for summer windsurfIn my case, I get into the water all year. The weather is not a really big problem because there are some solutions for the most extreme conditions. In the summer is the most comfortable season because the hot temperatures make the thinks easier. You don't need to use big neoprene, globs and all these kinds of things that protect you from the cold. But there are some bad things that are involved in these seasons. In my opinion the worst thing is the people. In summer there's a lot of people into the water and it's really difficult to sail. Another bad thing is the type of wind. The hot weather produces light winds that are really good to lear. But if you want strong wind and waves you have to wait for the winter.

Image result for winter windsurfTo sail in cold seasons like winter is really difficult for the cold. You need to use a big neoprene that's not really comfortable. The wind is really cold and you can't sail a lot of time. But in winter the wind is better. It's stronger and there is not too many people on the water. The water is really clean because there aren't any boats into the water that can pollute.

Image result for winter windsurf

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